F.A.Q.s For Escorts

How does this work?
Just like ordering any delivery. Just pick up the phone, supply your address and telephone number and within minutes you will have the lady of your choice at your door.

Do you have a place that we can meet the girls?
No. We are an outcall service, which means the girls come to your location.

Who is available?
In order to provide you with the most accurate availability its best to call us with the time you would like to see an escort and we can let you know who is expected to be available at that time.

How long does it take to arrive?
If the provider that you want is available and you don’t live out of town, then she can arrive within 30 minutes give or take a few minutes.

Can I see more photos?
No. The photos are to give you an idea of what we have available.
They are recent and very accurate. If you like what you see, you will love her in person.

Are the escorts available for couples?
Yes, but you must advise us in advance for any couple calls.

What If I would like to cancel?
Call us and we can cancel your appointment.

Are there any refunds?
No absolutely not.

Can I pay with cash?
Yes and credit cards are accepted also. Credit card payments must get pre-approved over the phone.
Then, on arrival you will need to provide 2 government issued IDs and the credit card to be swiped.

Is this discreet?
Yes, absolutely. If you prefer extra discretion we can assure our females are “dressed down” with sneakers or flip flops so not to draw attention to her entrance.